Run, Jump, Shoot & Dodge
With 14 sports, there’s enough action to go around.
Note: many sports are drop-in throughout the day, but there are specific times for One Mile Walk, 5k Race, Tug of War and Dodgeball. Head to the Schedule page to learn more.

5k Race
Roster Size: Unlimited Participation
Points: The top man and woman in each age group will be scored for the team points. Runners will be competing against other runners within the same age group and company division to score points. Age group is determined by the age of the individual on July 28, 2023. A team’s top male and female finisher from each age group will have their points combined to determine each team’s point total for the race. The top four (4) teams per division will be awarded 100, 75, 50 and 25 points accordingly. All teams participating in the 5K Race will be awarded 10 points if they do not place.
Age Groups: 29 and under, 30-39, 40-49, 50-plus

Basketball Shooting
Format: Drop-in Participation (full team must be present)
Roster Size: Up to four (4) athletes, including at least two (2) gender identities. i.e., Male, Female, Non-Binary
Points: Teams will be awarded the number of total points earned during the competition.
Each participant will attempt to shoot five (5) basketballs from their choice of pre-marked spots, each with a different point value awarded when the baskets are made. No re-dos allowed. Individual scores will be added together to create a team score.

Cornhole Toss
Format: Drop-in Participation (full team must be present)
Roster Size: Up to four (4) athletes, including at least two (2) gender identities. i.e., Male, Female, Non-Binary
Points: Teams will be awarded the number of total points earned during the competition by individuals.
Each participant will be given five (5) chances to toss a cornhole bag onto the board. Players will score 10 points for each bag that goes into the hole and five (5) points for each bag that lands on the board. Any bag that hits the ground before hitting the board is dead and won’t be eligible to score points. Individual scores will be added together to create a team score.

Format: Single Elimination Bracket
Roster: One (1) team of up to 10 participants (at least two (2) females)
Points: Teams will be awarded 100, 75, 50 or 25 points based on their overall placement. All participating teams will earn 10 points if they don’t place.
The dodgeball tournament will be a single elimination bracket, unless a division has less than six teams then it will be double elimination. Dodgeball will be played under the National Amateur Dodgeball Association (NADA) rules. Each company will be permitted to enter one (1) team of up to 10 participants, which must include at least two (2) females. Each game begins with no more than six (6) players competing per team and the remaining four (4) available as substitutes. Teams may only substitute players in between games or in the case of an injury. All games will be played for three (3) minutes or until all opponents on one team are eliminated. The match will consist of three (3) games, with the winner declared from the best two (2) out of three (3) games. The top four (4) teams per division will be awarded 100, 75, 50 and 25 points accordingly, and all teams participating will receive 10 points if they do not place. Third and fourth place will be determined by a consolation match occurring prior to the championship match.

Football Toss
Format: Drop-in Participation (full team must be present)
Roster: Up to four (4) athletes, including at least two (2) gender identities. i.e., Male, Female, Non-Binary
Points: Teams will be awarded the number of total points earned during the competition.
Each team member will attempt to throw five (5) footballs through different targets. Targets will be placed at 5 yards, 10 yards and 15 yards away, with participants scoring 5, 10 or 15 points based on the target they make. Participants may only use footballs provided at the event. No participant may do a “redo” throw. Individual scores will be added together to create a team score.

Frisbee Golf
Format: Drop-in Participation (full team must be present)
Roster: Up to four (4) athletes, including at least two (2) gender identities. i.e., Male, Female, Non-Binary
Points: Teams will be awarded the number of total points earned during the competition.
Rules will be updated in early 2025 as we switch the format from Frisbee Toss to Frisbee Golf.

Golf Chipping
Format: Drop-in Participation (full team must be present)
Roster Size: Up to four (4) athletes, including at least two (2) gender identities. i.e., Male, Female, Non-Binary
Points: Teams will be awarded the number of total points earned during the competition by individuals.
Team members will chip five (5) balls from 30 yards into progressively larger circles surrounding a flag. The smallest circle will be worth 20 points, the middle worth 10 points and the outer-most worth five (5) points. Individual scores will be added together to create a team score. Please bring your own golf clubs, however clubs will also be available. Team members are permitted practice swings, but no practice hits.

Hockey Shot
Format: Drop-in Participation (full team must be present)
Roster: Up to four (4) athletes, including at least two (2) gender identities. i.e., Male, Female, Non-Binary
Points: Teams will be awarded the number of total points earned during the competition.
Each team member will shoot five (5) pucks toward targets in the net. Five (5), 10 and 15 points will be awarded based on difficulty. Participants do not have to shoot all shots at the same target. Each participant is limited to one (1) turn. Individual scores will be added together to create a team score.

Volleyball Passing
Format: Drop-in Participation (full team must be present)
Roster: Up to four (4) athletes, including at least two (2) gender identities. i.e., Male, Female, Non-Binary.
Points: One team member will set to another team member that will bump or spike a volleyball into a target. The team may choose to designate one person to set to team members or rotate. Each team member will have five (5) volleyballs to score into the targets. Targets are worth five (5), 10, and 15 points. The total score will be added to the team score.

Obstacle Course
Format: Drop-in Participation (full team must be present)
Roster: Up to four (4) athletes, including at least two (2) gender identities. i.e., Male, Female, Non-Binary
Points: Teams will be awarded 100, 75, 50 or 25 points based on their overall placement. All participating teams will earn 10 points if they don’t place.
This is a timed event. Each participant will complete a series of obstacles along the course, followed by the other three participants in a relay fashion, totaling four laps on the course. Based on total team time, 100, 75, 50 and 25 points will be awarded to the top four (4) teams per division. All teams that participate will receive 10 points if they do not place.

One-Mile Walk
Roster Size: Unlimited
Points: Each participant who completes the walk will receive four (4) points. There is a maximum of 100 points per team. This is a non-timed event.
Each team may enter unlimited walkers for the One-mile Walk. The first 25 employees per team who finish the walk will be eligible for scoring. Each member who completes the walk will receive four (4) points for a maximum of 100 points per team. This is a non-timed event, but every participant in the One-mile Walk must still sign an event waiver.

Soccer Kick
Format: Drop-in Participation (full team must be present)
Roster: Up to four (4) athletes, including at least two (2) gender identities. i.e., Male, Female, Non-Binary
Points: Teams will be awarded the number of total points earned during the competition.
Each team member will shoot five (5) balls toward targets in the soccer goal. Five (5), 10 and 15 points will be awarded based on difficulty. Participants do not have to shoot all shots at the same target. Rubber or plastic cleats are allowed but metal spikes are not permitted. Each participant is limited to one (1) turn. Individual scores will be added together to create a team score.

Tug of War
Format: Single Elimination Bracket
Roster: One (1) team of eights (8) employees (at least two (2) females)
Points: Teams will be awarded 100, 75, 50 or 25 points based on their overall placement. All participating teams will earn 10 points if they don’t place.
Each company may enter one (1) team of eight (8) employees, including at least two (2) females in the single elimination bracket. If a division has less than six teams then it will be double elimination. Each pull will have a time limit of five (5) minutes. The winning team must pull its opponent five (5) yards to cross the line or must be ahead when the time expires. Rubber/plastic cleats and gloves are permitted, but no metal spikes are allowed. Participants must try to stay on their feet and not sit, kneel or lie down for advantage. Team members are not allowed to wrap the rope around their arms or bodies. Winning teams will advance in their division until an overall winner is declared. The top four (4) teams per division will be awarded 100, 75, 50 and 25 points accordingly, and all teams participating will receive 10 points if they do not place. Third and fourth place will be determined by a consolation match occurring prior to the championship match.

Wiffle Ball Home Run Derby
Format: Drop-in Participation (full team must be present)
Roster: Up to four (4) athletes, including at least two (2) gender identities. i.e., Male, Female, Non-Binary
Points: Each home run is worth five (5) points.
The home run derby contest will be with a wiffle ball pitched by a teammate . Each team member must bat but not all team members are required to pitch. “Batters” will have 30 seconds to hit as many home runs as possible. Each home run will be worth five (5) points. The distance from the pitcher to the batter must be a minimum of 15 feet. All home runs will be counted toward the total team score. Bats and wiffle balls will be provided, batters are not permitted to bring their own equipment. Cleats are permitted.